


Quality and speed in diagnosis

The Imaging Service of MALO CLINIC counts on the collaboration of experienced licensed radiology technicians who have at their disposal the best means of Imaging, therefore raising the quality and speed in the diagnosis, which allows the planning of treatments to be carried out in a more rigorous and predictable way.


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Available Exams

  • Orthopantomography

    Important in treatment planning and control. Evaluation of missing teeth, dental eruption level (assessment of tooth development or permanent teeth), agenesis (lack of teeth), lines of bone fractures, position of third molars (wisdom teeth).

  • X-ray ATM (open mouth and closed mouth)

    Study of the temporomandibular joint (e.g., diagnosis of arthrosis or dislocations).

  • Fist X-Ray

    Important in the study of bone age and growth in children.

  • Frontal X-Ray

    Exam also used in the area of Orthodontics whenever it is necessary to make a differential diagnosis that is not possible through another examination (e.g., diagnosis of osseous facial asymmetries, trauma)

  • Teleradiography

    Examination of excellence for the specialty of Orthodontics. Study of the relation between bones of the head and jaws and between the upper and lower jaw. Important in the orthodontic treatment program for placement of badly positioned teeth in their ideal position.

  • Cone Beam Computerized Tomography

    Fundamental examination in the field of Implantology. With the information acquired it is possible to analyze the bone volume of the patients and to study the most suitable area for placement of the dental implants, as well as the bone density in the intervention area. Due to its characteristics, Tomography is used for a set of other procedures besides the Implantology area, such as the study of the dimensions of pathologies, relation of the teeth / lesion with the noble structures, planning of included teeth extraction, observation of lesions or dental fractures, endodontic treatment planning in complex cases, etc.

  • NobelGuide Study - Using Surgical Guides

    Tomography in which the acquisition is made with the dental prosthesis placed. Then the acquired information is exported to a 3D imaging program where a virtual surgery is performed, from which the surgical guides will be performed. This procedure allows for that in the day of surgery you know in advance which implants to place and where are their locations and respective paths, resulting in a less time-consuming and more comfortable intervention for the patient.

Did you know that...

  • Curiosities about Radiation

    • 67,6% of the radiation to which a person exposes herself has a natural origin (solar radiation, cosmic or mineral, for example);
    • 30,7% of exposure result from radiotherapy or radiographic imaging processes;
    • 0,6% result from an effect called fall out;
    • 0,45% result from occupational exposure
  • What are X-rays?

    X-rays (such as those used on CT) are a form of radiation, just as visible light, but they have a high penetration power and can penetrate the human body. Using appropriate equipment and techniques, X-rays can be used to produce images of structures inside the body to diagnose diseases or view anatomical structures.

  • Is the radiation we receive from natural sources different? How?

    All people are exposed to natural sources of radiation, such as cosmic radiation, radiation from the earth's crust, radioactivity from food, and from our own body. This radiation (gamma radiation) can induce biological effects similar to those of the X-rays used for medical examinations. Depending on where he lives, an individual may be exposed to dose values of 1 to 3 mSv / year, with a global average of 2.4 mSv / year. There are some places where inhabitants can be exposed to 10 mSv / year.

  • Can diagnostic tests using X-rays cause injury?

    The dose of radiation applied in most X-ray diagnostic tests is relatively low. Concerns arise from the need for repeated examinations. Examinations at relatively higher doses such as CT and interventional radiology procedures are more likely to increase the risk of radiation-induced cancer. In the area of Dental Medicine the doses used are extremely low and minimal.

  • Can pregnant women perform X-rays?

    As long as the clinical benefits are considered superior to the potential risk of exposure to radiation, there is nothing to counteract the use of X radiation during pregnancy. With modern equipment and the proper technique, examinations of skull, feet, neck, shoulders and even chest can be performed safely during pregnancy. For other tests, specific considerations are necessary. Pregnant women should inform their doctors and other health professionals about their pregnancy or even the possibility of being pregnant. Aware this information, in abdominal and pelvic exams, especially in high dose procedures (computed tomography and fluoroscopy), the physician or health care provider in collaboration with the radiation protection specialist should weigh the benefits and associated risks.

  • What is the risk for radiation-induced cancer? Is the risk cumulative?

    The risk of radiation-induced cancers is low but cumulative. Each examination the patient undergoes slightly increases the risk. It is therefore recommended that doses to patients are reduced to the minimum necessary to guarantee adequate quality in the diagnosis.

    The probability of radiation-induced cancer is between 5-6% per a 1000 mSv dose.

  • Is it safe for children to be exposed to X-radiation during a diagnostic test?

    There are no restrictions on the use of X-rays in children as long as the clinical benefit outweighs potential risks of radiation exposure. Some organs have a greater sensitivity to radiation in children than in adults. In addition, children have a longer lifespan that potentiates the late manifestation of radiation-induced harmful effects. Therefore, imaging techniques that do not use ionizing radiation should always be considered as an alternative. Radiological procedures in children should be individually planned and limited to what is considered reasonably acceptable for a correct diagnosis.

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