Malo Education


Training programs for dentistry professionals

Based at MALO CLINIC Lisbon, MALO CLINIC Education offers training programs for dentistry professionals - dentists, laboratory technicians, oral hygienists and dental assistants - focused on the latest developments in concepts, technologies and products in Oral Rehabilitation with dental implants.

At MALO CLINIC Education, participants closely follow real cases from the day-to-day work of the clinic, as well as a variety of clinical situations that reflect the reality of dental practice.

MALO CLINIC Education offers the community of dental professionals the knowledge acquired through our extensive clinical work and scientific research. We focus mainly on the practical aspect, whether through training courses on different topics, live surgeries, clinical case presentations or supporting trainees in their own clinical cases.

The operating rooms in the Department of Surgery have been designed to allow participants in clinical residency to follow all the relevant steps of the surgery and delivery of the immediate prosthesis.

Our Training Center offers comfortable conference rooms with video systems to broadcast surgeries live, using the most advanced technology to allow participants to watch the various procedures in detail, as well as a room specially designed for practical training sessions.

Find out more about our training programs! 

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