Oral Medicine

Oral Medicine

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Treatment of Oral Diseases

Oral Medicine is dedicated to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of various pathologies of the oral cavity that can affect soft tissues (gums and mucous membranes), lips, tongue, throat and neck.

The monitoring of the effects caused in the mouth by certain types of medication or even the manifestations resulting from systemic or autoimmune diseases is also included in the scope of Oral Medicine.

Some of the pathologies that affect the oral cavity, despite being benign, are quite uncomfortable and painful, requiring specific treatment. However, they can also be signs of more complex and/or potentially malignant situations, where early diagnosis is fundamental for a successful treatment. Whenever justified, several auxiliary diagnostic means will be used, including biopsies.


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  • Oral cancer and potentially malignant lesions

  • Ulcerative and vesiculobullous lesions

  • Traumatic lesions including benign tumors

  • Bacterial, viral and fungal infections

  • Autoimmune diseases (Sjogren syndrome, Behçet syndrome, Lichen planus, lichenoid reactions, Lupus, Erythema Exsudativum Multiforme and Crohn's Disease)

  • Inflammatory and obstructive disorders of salivary glands

  • Systemic diseases (haematological, hepatic, renal and cardiovascular diseases)

  • Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorders

  • Neurological diseases (neuroses and psychoses)

  • Orofacial pain

  • Burning mouth syndrome.

Did you know that...

  • Oral cancer is the sixth most common malignancy in the world?
  • Men have twice the risk of oral cancer as women, and men older than 50 are at the greatest risk?
  • If you have an aphtha in your mouth which has not healed for more than two weeks, without there being any factor responsible for this lesion, you should see a doctor to check for more complex situations.

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